At St. Peter United we are building a faith community that allows everyone to feel safe, welcomed, and appreciated. We are proud to create a safe-space that encourages the exploration of God’s love. We encourage our members to find what speaks to their hearts and soul to build their faith. We are a diverse and inclusive, faith community established in 1848 located in Houston, Texas. Through our virtual community, we welcome people from all over the world to join our church family.
Affirming Faith
St. Peter United is an "Open and Affirming" congregation welcoming all people, without regard to sexual orientation and gender identity. We are proud to be a safe space for an open and honest conversation about human sexuality and gender identity. We encourage LGBTQ members to serve in lay and ordained leadership.
At St. Peter United we celebrate same-sex weddings, anniversaries of LGBTQ married and partnered couples, and offer rites to honor gender transitions. We are advocates for LGBTQ civil rights, we are willing to host meetings of support groups like PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). We offer a safe space for LGBTQ and questioning youth.
We Are Family St. Peter United is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC). We practice radical hospitality and are committed to creating an inclusive and empowering church home. We are an “Open and Affirming” community for LGBTQ+ persons. Everyone belongs at St. Peter United, including people who consider themselves spiritual but not religious. We believe that building a diverse community is an integral part of growing our faith.
We believe in the triune God.
We believe that each person is unique and valuable.
We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey.
We believe that the persistent search for God produces an authentic relationship with God.
We believe that all of the baptized 'belong body and soul to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.'
We believe that all people of faith are invited to join Christ at Christ's table for the sacrament of Communion.
We believe the UCC is called to be a united and uniting church.
We believe that God calls us to be servants in the service of others.
We believe that the UCC is called to be a prophetic church.
We believe in the power of peace.
We are a people of possibility.
Our Church embraces two holy Sacraments.
Baptism by water and the Spirit, as recorded in the Scriptures, shall be a sign of the dedication of each life to God and God’s service. Through the words and acts of this sacrament, the recipient is identified as God’s own Child.
Holy Communion is the partaking of blessed bread and fruit of the vine in accordance with the words of Jesus, our Sovereign: “This is my body. . .this is my blood.” (Matt. 26:26-28). All who believe, confess, repent and seek God’s love through Christ, after examining their consciences, may freely participate in the communal meal, signifying their desire to be received into community with Jesus Christ, to be saved by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, to participate in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, and to commit their lives anew to the service of Jesus Christ.
The Rites of our church as performed by its duly authorized pastors shall consist of the following:
The Rite of Ordination is the setting apart of duly qualified persons for the professional ministry of this church. It is evidenced by the laying on of hands by authorized ordained clergy.
The Rite of Attaining Membership in the Church shall be conducted by the pastor or pastoral leader before the local congregation at any regular worship service. After completing classes for instruction in beliefs and doctrines of the church, a baptized Christian may become a member in good standing of the church through a letter of transfer from a recognized Christian body or through affirmation of faith.
The Rite of Holy Matrimony is the spiritual joining of two persons in a manner fitting and proper by a duly authorized clergy of the church. After both persons have been counseled and apprised of their responsibilities one towards the other, this rite of conferring God’s blessing may be performed.
The Rite of Funeral or Rite of Memorial Service is to be fittingly conducted by the pastors of the church for the deceased.
The Rite of Laying on of Hands or prayer for the healing of the sick in mind, body or spirit is to be conducted by the ministers of the church, at their discretion, upon request.
The Rite of Blessing may be conducted by pastors of the church for persons, things and relationships, when deemed appropriate by the pastors. This includes the dedication of a church building to the glory of God.