Welcome Letter from the Pastor.

Welcome to St. Peter United Churches! You made it this far! You found us online. Congratulations!

I'm Leslie Jackson, the Senior Pastor of St. Peter United Churches—St. Peter United (Houston, TX) and St. Paul United (New Orleans, LA). We guide people towards a purposeful life by embracing everyone into the rich, transformative life we share here at St. Peter United.

In one of our sacred texts, Jesus is asked by a super-religious person: "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He responded, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

At St. Peter United, many of us have struggled to understand what love truly means and how to love ourselves. We have realized that as we learn to love ourselves, our relationship with God and others becomes more prosperous. This may seem self-centered, but when you've been told that you are worthless, sinful, and destined for hell, it's easy to believe this lie. Here, we focus on reconditioning our hearts, souls, and minds. So, we boldly declare each week: We are loved! We are accepted! We are worthy! And we have a purpose!

Our Sunday morning worship experience is our primary gathering. I invite you to join us for worship on Sunday at 11 am. Members of our welcome center will greet you, and I encourage you to stay after for our fellowship hour, where you can meet others who have made St. Peter United their church. Welcome home!


Pastor Leslie (RevJax)

RevJax BIO

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